Neither with in-game settings nor forcing via NV cpanel or NV inspector I can get roper transparency AA to work, in particular if you check out how chain-link fences (classic example where people normally test their transparency AA) just look extremely awful. Someone must be playing this game blind because despite running DX11 and enabling whatever they call 'transparency multisampling' doesn't really work for me. This, IMO, is sort of like a slap in the face for anyone who spend $250-$300 on a new graphics card that's supposed to make any new game look awesome.Īccording to the Far Cry 3 settings it has all sorts of nifty DX11 supporting settings like 'alpha coverage' HBSAO, HDSAO etc. Yes I can see Lara's hair flowing 'naturally' now thanks to the miracle of 'TressFX', but some other games still look like utter-shiate - namely Far Cry 3. because now I am eager to see all the eye candy. I got a Gigabyte GTX 660TI, running Win7 and of course I also got me a bunch of all the latest DX11 titles, such as Crysis 3, Far Cry 3, TR, Bioshock etc.