So start a lend lease or something to help them. Also, it may be because your puppets don't have the required equipment.
Several releasable nations don't have unit templates which means they can't build troops unless they research something that gives them army experience or a free unit template. If you are a small country with no steel Lakortar View Profile View Posts. Likewise, all countries need equipment to field troops. On a side note: try NOT to get as many puppets as posible, it will start to wear down your system and even freeze for several minutes upon declaration of war.ĪI puppets tend to be passive They tend not to prioritize min max ways of pumping out troops. Minor AI's have been nerfed to not build silly huge armies anymore, making it easier for majors to conquer them.
You get tons of divisions within 10 months to a year. Try invading British Mainland and make India your puppet. Serbia and Croatia are smaller countries so dont expect a huge output from them. For instance: Oman has maybe made 2 troops while India has divisions That are now mine. Why are they completely idle and what can i do about it? Showing 1 - 8 of 8 comments. After defeating yugoslavia as Italy, i puppteted Croatia and Serbia.Īnd when i reload a safegame to play as them, they have nealy half a million available manpower, plenty of militairy and civilian factories etc. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.